2023 E-Racing the Blues for Mental Health

Please join us for our two E-Racing the Blues Walks for Mental Health this year: Sunday, September 17 at Rehoboth Beach Bandstand, and Saturday, September 30 at Glasgow Park in Newark, DE. Both walks will feature entertainment (Tai Chi in Rehoboth and a magic show in Glasgow), refreshments, t-shirts, raffle prizes, exhibitors, crafts, and more!  Children under 12 are free, so please bring the whole family and walk with us!

All proceeds from the event will go towards funding the numerous programs we offer at no-cost to those struggling with their mental health in our communities. If we can save or improve just one life, we have fulfilled our mission!

Feeling blue can be a signal to you that something isn’t quite right in your life, which can help you take steps to try to find the cause of the low mood and make some changes that can help you feel better. Sometimes, periods of boredom or stagnation, such as feeling stuck in a rut can contribute to blue moods. Sometimes a rut is just a rut, a temporary state that you can work to improve. But it can also indicate something more serious such as depression.

One of the best ways to beat the blues is to get outdoors and walk. It can not only take your mind of your troubles, but there is plenty of evidence to show that walking stimulates both sides of the brain to help boost mood. Of course, there is the added perk of burning calories too. If you walk with a buddy or in a group, that added social component also elevates mood. Mild exercise gets the blood flowing, delivering more oxygen to brain cells, which will make you feel more mentally alert and alive.

Please visit www.eracingtheblues.org to sign up, donate and/or to create a team. Last year we had 5 teams, 70 participants and raised over $30,000 through sponsorships, individual donors and participant fees. All money raised goes towards funding our wellness groups, suicide prevention trainings, mental health conferences, peer trainings and more, to try to end the stigma of mental health through MHA’s mission of education, advocacy and support. We will do it again this year, but we can’t reach our goal without your help and participation. We are so grateful for the sponsors thus far for the event. Teamwork is another building block of mental health!

Registration in advance is preferred and will also guarantee t-shirt size. For more information, please contact Roberta Fishgold at rfishgold@mhainde.org. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Staff Blogger: Roberta Fishgold

Roberta has a long work history with MHA after a career in the corporate world of Human Resources Management in NYC. She is enjoying the time with her MHA family, being able to have an impact on mental health awareness in addition to watching the agency evolve through the years. Her hobbies are cooking, baking and collecting inspirational quotes (which are hung all over her office)!


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