5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself This Fall

Fall is the most wonderful time of the year! Or, wait, was that Christmas? Well, fall for me is the most wonderful time of the year. For some people, fall may simply indicate the end of summer and the start of colder weather, allergies, and an earlier nighttime. For me, however, it symbolizes comfort and change. As F. Scott Fitzgerald quoted, “life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”

Along with crisp air and new beginnings, fall can also bring fun, seasonal activities. This is also a good time to practice selfcare (although anytime is good for that). Here are five ways to take care of yourself this fall:  

  1. Have some Fall fun. This can come in many forms, but some activities may include apple picking, hayrides, painting pumpkins, leaf peeping/enjoy the fall foliage, or baking your favorite fall treats. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive – there are many free/low cost, fun seasonal activities to enjoy!

  2. De-Clutter. I’m sure a lot of people have heard of “spring cleaning” – but de-cluttering your home doesn’t only have to be for the springtime. As the weather continues to get colder, we tend to spend more time indoors. If our homes are messy and cluttered, this could cause an increase in stress. Not only that, but it may be good to clean and de-clutter before the fall/winter decorations come out!

  3. Spend time in nature. This may be the last thing someone who is experiencing seasonal allergies would want to do, but time outside and breathing fresh, fall air is good for our mental health (and health, in general). This is a good time to spend time in the sunshine, go hiking, and watch the leaves change.

  4. Slow down. Fall is my favorite time of year, but it also seems like one of the busiest times, as well. It is the time of the year when most children are back in school and the start of the holiday season for those who celebrate, which usually results in an increase in holiday parties/events. With everything going on, it is important to remember to slow down and take time to rest, when necessary.

  5. Practice self-care. Similar to “slowing down” is ensuring that you take care of yourself. Unfortunately, fall also happens to be cold and flu season, so make sure to take the appropriate methods to prevent sickness, such as washing your hands, getting a flu shot, and staying home when you don’t feel well to avoid spreading the sickness around.

Along with cold and flu prevention, you can also practice self-care in the form of taking a nice bubble bath, lighting a fall-scented candle, reading a good book, and really doing anything that you enjoy, but also helps promote wellness!

Fall can be a very busy season, but it’s also the season for new beginnings and cozy comfort. So, in the middle of running around to parent-teacher conferences, work meetings, or holiday shopping, remember to slow down, relax, and enjoy all that fall has to offer!

Staff Blogger: Mollie Clupper

Mollie Clupper works for MHA as a Communications and Support Specialist. Using her own experiences, she wants to help bring awareness and end the stigma surrounding mental health. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, drinking coffee, and spending time with loved ones.


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