Make Valentine’s Day About You in 2022!

Valentine’s day is well known as the day of romance and love. Many people want to be with someone around this time so they can feel connected-and that’s understandable! However, there is nothing wrong with spending Valentines day alone. This is a good opportunity to use this time to treat yourself and take care of You! Self-care and self-love are so important and we should cherish ourselves, so why not do it on the day of love? You can make a list on what that may look like for you and if you are stuck, I have a couple of ideas you may find interesting.

First to take yourself out on a date! Get dressed up and look good for yourself.  Next buy some flowers and or candy; something that will make you smile and fix that sweet tooth craving if you have one. Then take yourself out to dinner and enjoy a favorite meal you haven’t had in a while. Then top it off with a soothing warm bubble bath with whatever your heart desires. For example, light some candles and listen to some music while relaxing.

There are many types of self-care: emotional, physical and spiritual. Emotional self-care, such as self-talk, weekly bubble baths, saying “no” to things that cause unnecessary stress, giving yourself permission to take a pause, or setting up a weekly coffee date with a friend. Physical self-care, such as prioritizing sleep, adopting an exercise routine you can stick with, choosing healthy and nourishing foods over highly processed ones. Lastly spiritual self-care, would include things such as attending a religious service, spending time in nature, meditating, incorporating regular acts of kindness into your day, or keeping a gratitude journal. There are many different ways to enjoy yourself on Valentine’s Day-so don’t forget about you!

Guest Blogger: Golda Duncan

Golda Duncan is an AmeriCorps Public Allies Apprentice, interning for MHA. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a passion for the mental health community and wants to make a change.


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