May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Since 1949, May has been deemed Mental Health Month. It’s a time to spread the word that mental wellness is not only something everyone should care about, but a time to raise awareness, share stories, celebrate recovery and fight stigma. Mental wellness is essential to a person’s overall health. Mental Health Month also raises awareness of trauma and the impact it can have on the mental well-being of children, adults and families, along with their communities.

Prevention is key, and there are numerous effective treatments to aid people in their recovery from mental disorders, to enable them to live full and productive lives. We need to constantly work on our mental wellness, as practice makes progress. MHA offers many programs to help put this into action: a variety of wellness groups virtually and in person (depression, anxiety, loss of a loved one to suicide, groups for the BIPOC, LGBTQ and disability communities), a variety of mental health conferences (Peer Summit, Empowering Community Wellness Symposium, Higher Education Suicide Prevention Conference, Military & Veterans Mental Health Summit), Suicide Prevention Trainings, Master Your Stress Workshops, MHA Zoom Chat Series, Peer Certification Trainings, Mental Health Court Peers, Depression Screening Day and more. Please visit our website at to view all of our services.

MHA is here to help you and serve the community, but we need your help to continue providing our valuable services. Mental Health America’s 2023 Mental Health Month campaign is focused on taking some time to look around and look within. Please take some time to check in on others and check in on your own mental health. And in honor of May is Mental Health Month, won’t you please consider donating to the Mental Health Association in DE, who supports the mental wellbeing of Delawareans?

Staff Blogger: Roberta Fishgold

Roberta Fishgold has a long work history with MHA after a career in the corporate world of Human Resources Management in NYC. She is enjoying the time with her MHA family, being able to have an impact on mental health awareness in addition to watching the agency evolve through the years. Her hobbies are cooking, baking and collecting inspirational quotes (which are hung all over her office)!


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