Volunteer Voice: Haley Kulesza

I have always been interested in the field of mental health due to my own and my loved ones’ struggles with mental illness. From a young age, I felt as though I was a therapist to my friends and family, so I decided to study psychology in college. I attended Hofstra University and recently graduated in May 2019.

During the summer before my senior year, I got the amazing opportunity to intern at MHA in Delaware. It was the most amazing experience I have gotten in the field of psychology. I had no idea how many resources MHA had for the community, and some are free of cost! I was able to see how powerful peer support groups can be. I went to community fairs and different businesses to educate the public on mental illness, to help end the stigma, and to provide resources for those who need it.

This internship helped me to continue on in the field of psychology following graduation. I am currently working at Greenbrook TMS NeuroHealth Centers. I am now a certified Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy Technician. I met an individual at one of the peer support groups during my time at MHA, who talked about TMS and how it was his last hope as far as relieving his symptoms of depression. When I applied to Greenbrook, I thought of the individual, and felt great to be able to help people who may feel they are all out of options.

I am looking forward to the E-Racing the Blues Event, October 12th, because it is a great way for the community to come together to show support for mental health, help end the stigma, and learn about the resources MHA and other organizations provide for the community. This event also fosters hope and helps remind individuals that they are not alone in their fight against mental illness.

Guest Blogger: Haley Kulesza, Greenbrook TMS NeuroHealth Centers’s Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy Technician


Volunteer Voice: David Garson


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