Ways to Increase Your Water Intake

More people than ever before are working from home-juggling kids, pets, and other daily responsibilities. Due to this, daily caffeine intake may have increased (I know mine has). However, as our coffee intake increases, our water intake tends to decrease. Water plays such an important role and provides many health benefits, such as: maintaining blood pressure, helping with weight loss, and delivering oxygen through your body.

So, what can you do about it? Here are three ways you can increase your water intake everyday:

First Step

You can buy a low-price pitcher and fill it with water to put in your refrigerator to keep pouring yourself a class of water throughout the day. You can also buy a water bottle that has times on it, such as 9am to 7pm, to tell you how much you’ve drank water during the day. Lastly, you can set alarms on your phones, to remind yourself to drink water. For example, set one for 9am then another one at 11am and so on. Having water visible and setting alarms will give you both audio and visual reminders!

Second Step

Some people don’t like plain water! So, spice it up and put some lemon and cucumber with a hint a cayenne pepper in it. There’re so many water recipes online, my personal favorite being the strawberry & blueberry infused water-which is best if you let it set for a couple of days to let the flavor soak in. If that’s not enough you can also buy the sugar free flavor additives to put in your water-they have many flavors such as pink lemonade and blue raspberry. 

Third Step

There are many apps on your phone to help remind you to drink water daily, such as: Drink Water Reminder, Drink Water, and Water Reminder. These can help get you into a steady routine. Plus, we all look at our phone in the morning, right?


Just think about the health benefits! It delivers oxygen through the body, it boosts skin and beauty, it regulates body temperature, it flushes waste, it maintains blood pressure, it promotes performance during exercise and helps with weight loss (Medical News Today). Of course, there’s a wide range of benefits. So, get some water and drink, drink, drink!


Guest Blogger: Golda Duncan, Public Ally

Golda Duncan is an AmeriCorps Public Allies Apprentice, interning for MHA. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a passion for the mental health community and wants to make a change.


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