Why I Volunteer at the MHA

My entire life I struggled with depression, and in my adult years that descended into a dark battle against alcoholism.  I quit drinking in April of 2017 and the past two years I have been prioritizing my mental health and my recovery.  Because of this, my whole attitude and outlook upon life have changed, and genuine joy and happiness I’ve never known have been restored to my life.

I volunteer with the Mental Health Association in Delaware because I believe in their mission to improve mental health well-being in the community through education, support, and advocacy. Education about an issue is fundamental to raise awareness, and I want to do my part to spread the message of the importance of mental health, to help break the stigma, and to give people the tools and resources to help themselves or others who might be in need.

I volunteer to get involved, to give support, and to give hope. I volunteer because mental illness is often lonely, and I want those struggling to know that there are people out there who care. Mental health is painful, but it is treatable – and I want to raise awareness for Mental Health Association in Delaware as a resource that can help.

Guest Blogger: Stephanie Reaves, MHA’s Volunteer


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