Delaware Suicide Prevention Coalition
Our Mission
Raise awareness that suicide is a preventable public health problem
Enable the behavioral and social changes necessary to reduce suicidal ideation and attempts
Our History
The Delaware Suicide Prevention Coalition began efforts in 2004 and enlisted multiple state, private and nonprofit organizations to participate in the effort. To date, we now have over 55 members involved from at least 30 organizations.
Coalition Members
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Bayhealth - Behavioral Health Consortium - Charlie Health - Child Death Review Commission - Christiana Care - ContactLifeline - Crisis Intervention Services - Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence - DE Department of Veterans Affairs - DE National Guard - DHSS - DJ’s Alliance - DOC - Dover Air Force Base - DPH - DPBHS - DSAMH - DSCYF - MHA - NAMI - Parker Consulting - Rockford Center - Siegel JCC - Sisters Supporting Sisters Foundation - SL24 Foundation - Sun Behavioral Health - Trauma Matters Delaware - UMttr - University of Delaware - Sculpt Your Life’s Tai Chi for Veterans - Wilmington VAMC
Coalition Meetings
The Delaware Suicide Prevention Coalition meetings are typically held on the third Monday of the month from 10am to 11am ET and are open to everyone. Please email Jaycee Wendell ( so that we know to expect you.
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 885 7895 9198
Passcode: 551371
Coalition Recordings
Recordings of the Delaware Suicide Prevention Coalition meetings are available to the public. For access to older meetings, please email Jennifer Smolowitz at
Delaware Suicide Prevention Plan
The Delaware Suicide Prevention Coalition created a 5 Year Strategy for suicide prevention, which was extended to 2023, to reflect the United States National Suicide Prevention Plan. Originally approved by Delaware Suicide Prevention Coalition on Monday, June 17, 2013, the plan’s goals are summarized below:
Goal 1: Integrate and coordinate suicide prevention activities across multiple sectors and settings
Goal 2: Implement research-informed communication efforts designed to prevent suicide by changing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors
Goal 3: Increase knowledge of the factors that offer protection from suicidal behaviors and that promote wellness and recovery
Goal 4: Promote responsible media reporting of suicide, accurate portrayals of suicide and mental illnesses in the entertainment industry, and the safety of online content related to suicide
Goal 5: Develop, implement, and monitor effective programs that promote wellness and prevent suicide and related behaviors
Goal 6: Promote efforts to reduce access to lethal means of suicide among individuals with identified suicide risk
Goal 7: Provide training to community and clinical service providers on the prevention of suicide and related behaviors
Goal 8: Promote suicide prevention as a core component of health care services
Goal 9: Promote and implement effective clinical and professional practices for assessing and treating those identified as being at risk for suicidal behaviors
Goal 10: Provide care and support to individuals affected by suicide deaths and attempts to promote healing and implement community strategies to help prevent further suicides
Goal 11: Increase the timeliness and usefulness of surveillance systems relevant to suicide prevention and improve the ability to collect, analyze, and use this information for action
Goal 12: Promote and support research on suicide behavior and prevention
Goal 13: Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of suicide prevention interventions and systems and synthesize and disseminate findings