Empowering Community Wellness Symposium
The Empowering Community Wellness Symposium’s mission is focused on empowering and improving our community by providing access to resources, timely information and an opportunity to connect with leading pioneers in mental health.
Each MHA conference or symposium is created by community members and facilitated by MHA conference chairs. We welcome sponsorships to help keep events low or no-cost to our community. Click here to download our sponsorship brochure which contains detailed information about becoming a sponsor or exhibitor. Please email Esther Hofknecht Curtis, MSM-HCA (esther@mhainde.org) if you have any questions or would like to discuss in-kind donations or unique arrangements.
23rd Annual In-Person Empowering Community Wellness Symposium
The 23rd Annual Empowering Community Wellness Symposium was held on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at the Riverfront Events Center in Wilmington, DE. The theme was the Intersection of Firearms and Mental Health. 14 community organizations were present as exhibitors. The symposium was planned and presented by MHA, the Coalition for a Safer Delaware and the Wilmington VA. The morning stated off with a welcome and overview by Emily Vera (MHA), Jaime Kazmarck (Wilmington VA) and Traci Murphy (Coalition for a Safer Delaware). Our first session was called Engaging Vulnerable Populations. Dr. Larence Kirby talked about mental health and suicide among black men and veterans. Alli Burns and Jayden Lesko from Sean’s House discussed mental health and suicide among youth. Shannon Ayres, LPC, from the Vet Center then talked more about the veteran’s perspective. The first panel was called “Having Hard Conversations.” It was moderated by Brian Walker, LCWS, from the Wilmington VA. Panelists were: VRT officer from Salem County, NJ, Detective Johnathan Seidel, a veteran – Jamie Frei, the Suicide Prevention Coordinator from the Wilmington VA, Joni Newby, and Colleen Creighton from Brady United. Our final panel, “Policies in Action”, was moderated by Traci Murphy (Coalition for a Safer Delaware). Panelists were Joe Miller from the Wilmington PD, Representative Nnamdi Chukwuocha, Mariann Kenville-Moore from the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and Glenn Owens from DSAMH who talked about 988. We look forward to seeing you next May!
22nd Annual Virtual Empowering Community Wellness Symposium
The Mental Health Association in Delaware hosted its 22nd Annual Virtual Empowering Community Wellness Symposium on November 9th, 2023 - featuring three dynamic speakers who provided impactful information to attendees. The symposium kicked off with Danielle Johnson of the HIV Consortium at Christiana Care presenting on the importance and impact of HIV PrEP. Mrs. Johnson outlined the latest recommendations for PrEP usage and shared compelling statistics on its effectiveness at preventing new HIV infections. Her presentation emphasized the need to expand access to this prevention strategy. Next, the Mental Health Association’s own Karen DiNardo took the virtual stage to present an overview of MHA’s Peer Support Program, including its background and impact. As a leader of this critical initiative, Karen provided insights into the peer support model and its benefits for mental health recovery. She inspired attendees with the program’s success stories. Shavaughn Felder of I Care Counseling closed out the event by sharing self-care strategies for times of stress and adversity. Their presentation offered actionable tips and tools for finding balance, managing difficult emotions, and prioritizing self-compassion. Through their knowledgeable presentations, all three speakers empowered attendees with guidance to enhance community wellness. The Mental Health Association thanks them for sharing their expertise and looks forward to applying these lessons to promote greater health equity and resiliency.
22nd Annual In-Person Empowering Community Wellness Symposium
The 22nd Annual In-Person Empowering Community Wellness Symposium was held on May 4th, 2023 at the Riverfront Events Center. The symposium took a closer look at “Mental Health – Another Level of Self-Care”. Throughout the pandemic, self-care has been an ever-growing topic of importance and one that deserves a deeper exploration of what it means, how it may look and its benefits to individuals, families and our community. The presenters were Dr. Larence Kirby, who presented on the topic of “Counseling Brothers: Perceptions & Truths” and moderated a panel discussion to address disparities in behavioral health services for black males, and Dr. Daniel Saddawi-Konefka, who presented on “The Emotional PPE Project: Addressing Barriers to Emotional Self-Care.”
21st Annual Virtual Empowering Community Wellness Symposium
On November 10th, 2022, we continued the theme of the Pandemic State of Mental Health. We started the conference with opening remarks from Dr. Terry Harrison-Goldman, the Director of the Neuropsychology Department and the Training Director of the Pediatric Neuropsychology Fellowship at Nemours Children’s Health of Delaware. We then delved into grief and radical resiliency with informative presentations from our keynote speakers: Dr. Michelle Ratcliff, an Assistant Professor at Delaware State University and Licensed Social Worker, and Dr. Tyreese McAllister, a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.
21st Annual In-Person Empowering Community Wellness Symposium
On May 5th, 2022, MHA held our 21st annual in-person Empowering Community Wellness Symposium (ECWS), formerly known as the Community Mental Health Conference. This marks our official move for the symposium to coincide with May’s Mental Health Awareness month. The theme “The Pandemic State of Mental Health” was our focus for this event, and will continue in our virtual fall event taking place on Thursday, November 10th, 2022. Thank you to our Keynote speakers Priscilla Murphy and Lisa Savage who graciously shared their time and expertise with all those attending. It would not be an understatement to say that COVID-19 has changed the landscape of not only mental health but our society as we all have been challenged in unique and unprecedented ways. We are so grateful to our keynote speakers who both on and off stage are providing the kind of leadership and vision that can guide individuals, families and communities forward in these uncertain times. We also want to express gratitude to our Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long for delivering the opening remarks for the symposium and her continual efforts to advocate for mental health awareness, education and support throughout Delaware. The Empowering Community Wellness Symposium Planning Council would also like to extend a special recognition to Planning Council member Dona Mesko, who will be retiring this May. Through the many changes that the symposium undertook, Dona has been a consistent participant, leader and voice on the Planning Council. Thank you for always going above and beyond! MHA and the Planning Council would like to thank all of our community allies who helped to make this event possible through sponsorship. We could not have done this without you!
20th Annual In-Person Empowering Community Wellness Symposium
On November 18th, 2021, MHA held our first in-person Empowering Community Wellness Symposium (ECWS), formerly known as the Community Mental Health Conference. We held a panel discussion that allowed our speakers and participants an opportunity to discuss two intriguing topics: Normalizing Therapy and Resources and Disparities in Treatment. Thank you to our panelists (Nineka Dyson, David Frye, Rebecca Roebke, Stacy Shamburger, Alexus Sheppherd , Shanelle Sotilleo and Lena Queen) for sharing their time and expertise to make this a one-of-a-kind event! As a part of our 20th year anniversary, this event was the second Empowering Community Wellness Symposium held in 2021. Looking forward, the ECWS will continue to be held in-person in the spring and virtually for the fall event. The Empowering Community Wellness Symposium Planning Council would also like to extend a special thank you to the Riverfront Events Center staff. Amidst the current health pandemic, their efforts helped make the event safe and comfortable for our participants and speakers.
20th Annual Virtual Empowering Community Wellness Symposium
On May 6th, 2021, MHA held the 20th Annual Empowering Community Wellness Symposium (ECWS), formerly known as the Community Mental Health Conference. The symposium was held virtually for the first time ever due to the pandemic. Marking the 20th anniversary of the conference, the small shift in name highlights what has always been the core goal of the event: empowering and improving our community by providing access to resources, timely information and an opportunity to connect with leading pioneers in mental health. The keynote was delivered by Lisa R. Savage, LCSW, who spoke on the topic of “Disrupting Systems that Reinforce Trauma and Racism”. A panel discussion followed the keynote focusing on the impact of the Coronavirus Health Pandemic on a number of supportive services industries that directly relate to mental health. Each panel member brought a wealth of experience and insight into the areas of Healthcare, Therapeutic Services, and Higher Education.
19th Annual In-Person Community Mental Health Conference
In November 2019, MHA sponsored the 19th Annual Community Mental Health Conference in Wilmington, DE. The conference was held at the Chase Center on the Riverfront and focused on the theme of “The Mental Health System: Through the Ages”. Workshops focused on a range of topics including gender and sexuality in the Latinx community, depression and suicide among the elderly, ACE’s informed care for youth, and connections between trauma and substance use disorders. The event was devoted to increasing the ability of the participants to access resources and a deeper understanding of some topics that can have significant mental health implications throughout the lifespan. The community members, mental health consumers and providers who attended enjoyed interactive workshops, a panel discussion on the evolution of the Peer Support model in Delaware and a keynote address by Priscilla Murphey on Intergenerational Mental Health Issues.