Home Stretch Webinar Series

In 2021, the Home Stretch Webinar Series was offered monthly on different mental health topics pertaining to the military community.

January 2021: "Compassionate Care Hospice"

This presentation provided a brief overview of the hospice program and the value of hospice for our veterans. It highlighted the commitment to caring for and honoring those who have served when they reach the end of life.

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February 2021:
"S.A.V.E. (Suicide Prevention Program)"

This presentation offered S.A.V.E., a one hour gatekeeper training program provided by VA suicide prevention coordinators to Veterans and those who serve Veterans. The training stands for:

Signs of suicide - Asking about suicide - Validating feelings - Encouraging help

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March 2021:
"Spirituality during and after a Pandemic"

During this pandemic, connecting with our spiritual, religious, or other communities has been a challenge. Finding strength in traditions, texts, rituals, practices, holy times and/or even seasons may not have been as easy as in past years due to the lack of community. This presentation examined this question, “What can we do to maintain our spirituality during these times of social distancing and thereafter?”

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April 2021:
"Room to Breathe"

This session offered insight into the science and power of the breath as well as to manage the mind and emotions and relieve stress. Several simple breathing techniques were taught.

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May 2021:
"Women's Health"

This presentation discussed women’s health, mental health, trauma, work/life balance and coping mechanisms we all can use.

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June 2021:
"Pandemic of Grief"

In the wake of the global pandemic, we have lost loved ones in traumatic ways. While we have each experienced unique loss in our lives, we have also shared a collective loss of security, identity, social connectedness, and normalcy. When we don’t allow ourselves to pause, feel the loss, and grieve, we run the risk of having prolonged or unresolved grief – increasing the risk of anxiety, depression, substance abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder. This presentation shared guidance on how to move through the grief process in healthy ways and provided resources in the community.

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July 2021:
"Resilience in Military and Veteran Families"

Military and veteran family life is dynamic and interrelated with its own experiences. Service members and their families face distinctive stressors in the numerous transitions they face. Even though many have the ability to manage and overcome transition difficulties, some military and veteran families may need additional support. Although military and veteran families may face more stressors, they often emerge stronger. This presentation discussed resiliency in military and veteran families.

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August 2021:
"Military Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)”

This presentation offered an overview of the Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Program, including resources and support services provided to military members and dependents as well as collaboration with other programs and community resources.

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September 2021:
"VA Suicide Prevention in 2021"

This presentation provided a status report on suicide prevention efforts by the VA over the past 14 years, as well as a glimpse of the new initiatives coming to suicide prevention in the next few years. Both local (DE) and national efforts; including new funding initiatives for local suicide prevention resources, the Veterans Compact Act of 2022, Hannon Act of 2019 and Safe Suicide Reporting; were covered.

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October 2021:
"Ways to Help Military Veterans Heal from Moral Injuries"

This presentation defined moral injury and the role of killing in moral injury, explained how post traumatic stress and moral injury often co-present in military veterans, and shared Interfaith Veterans Workgroup non-clinical treatments for moral injury. 

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December 2021:
"Connections between Tai Chi and Veteran Health & Wellbeing"

This presentation provided an overview of Tai Chi’s general history, benefits (particularly for veterans) and the Federal Tai Chi for Veterans program. As a part of the webinar, Tai Chi movements were demonstrated and encouraged for attendants to follow along.

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