Peer Services

A Peer Recovery Specialist is:

A Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS) is an individual who has lived experience with mental illness, addiction, co-occurring disorders, and/or long term incarceration, along with subsequent recovery.  CPRS are specially trained professionals who support others going through similar life challenges that they once experienced.  CPRS assist individuals in developing the skills and resources needed to live an independent and productive life in the community.

Peer Support in Delaware Looks Like:

CPRS provide a range of services across the behavioral healthcare system in Delaware, both as employees and volunteers. Some of those settings include:

Assertive Community Treatment Teams - Peer Resource Centers - Detox Programs - Emergency Departments - Intensive Care Management Teams - Group Homes - Inpatient/Treatment Facilities - Veterans Administration Programs - Intensive Outpatient Programs - Mental Health Court - PROMISE

CPRS do a wide variety of things from providing support and mentoring, to education and advocacy, while maintaining a high standard of professionalism and ethics.

Interested in Becoming a Peer Recovery Specialist?

There are many places to begin the process on your own, but Peer Services is always available to guide you and answer questions.

    • Attend a “Peer 101” training to learn more about peer support and gain basic skills needed to begin volunteering or working as a peer.

    • Contact local behavioral health providers, peer resource centers, or behavioral health advocacy organizations about volunteer opportunities.

    • Apply for work as a Peer Recovery Specialist at a program that employs peers.

    • If you are currently working with a Peer Recovery Specialist, talk with them about their experience and resources available.

    • If eligible, work with an employment specialist or Department of Vocational Rehabilitation to obtain job training and placement assistance.

    • Once you begin getting experience providing peer support, you will be on your way to certification. After a few months of volunteering or working, you will be eligible for Delaware Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training.

    • Applicant must complete Delaware Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

    • Applicant must be at least 18 years of age.

    • Applicant must have a High School Diploma or GED.

    • Applicant must have direct personal experience living with mental illness and/or addiction and recovery.

    • Applicant must be willing to self-disclose lived experience for the purpose of education, role modeling, and providing hope to others about the reality of recovery.

    • Applicant must have at least 3 months experience and be currently working or volunteering under supervision in a peer role.

    • Peer 101: A one-day introduction to the roles & responsibilities of a Peer Recovery Specialist in Delaware; offered monthly.

    • Supervising Peer Recovery Specialists: A one-day training for those supervising Peer Recovery Specialists; offered quarterly.

    • Continuing Education Units (CEUs): A variety of workshops tailored for Peer Recovery Specialists for recertification and professional development; offered monthly.

    • Certified Peer Support Specialist Training: An advanced nine-day training for Peer Recovery Specialists preparing for certification in the state of Delaware; offered twice a year.

    • Specialty Training: Peer Services will gladly develop and provide specific training designed to meet your needs upon request.

How Can I Network?

Some of the networking opportunities for Peer Recovery Specialists are:

  • Peer Networking Call: A monthly peer networking bridge line (exclusively for Peer Recovery Specialists in Delaware) to connect with other Peer Recovery Specialists to discuss any topics or issues they encounter in the workplace

  • Facebook: A closed Facebook group featuring upcoming events, announcement & community interest stories

  • Listserv: Upcoming events, training announcements & peer support news

  • Technical Assistance: Peer-related support and guidance, including program development, employment & supervision

What is the DOC Peer Education Program?

Delaware Department of Corrections CPRS Program provides training for select inmates in Delaware’s correctional facilities. Our long-term goal is to reduce rates of incarceration among those with mental illness by providing a two-fold benefit: peer support as an integral resource for those with mental health challenges within the criminal justice system; and Peer Certification Training for those reentering the community and interested in a peer support career as a means of contributing to society and thriving independently in the community outside of the criminal justice system.

    • Peer 101: A one-day introduction to the roles & responsibilities of a Peer Recovery Specialist in DE

    • CPRS Training: A 5-week classroom-style education for participants, taught by peer staff with lived experience, to prepare participants for the Delaware Peer Recovery Specialist certification exam in the state of DE

    • Access to weekly homework assignments and journal entries that align with the material taught in the classroom to further prepare participants for the exam

    • Access to mentorship from CPRS who work in the community

    • QPR Suicide Prevention training

    • Mental Health First Aid training

    • Continuing Education Units to maintain certification while incarcerated

    • Education tools to assist in promoting and maintaining healthy levels of self-care and wellness while on the inside